Section: Dissemination


  • Françoise Baude is in charge since September 2011 of the set up and animation of an educational program Cordées de la Réussite. She leads as Polytech'Nice Sophia member, and in connection with MASTIC activities at Sophia-Antipolis, two Cordées pour la Science à Sophia groups (one with Lycée Vinci Antibes, the other with Lycée Tocqueville Grasse). Since 2013, she is in charge of the AVOSTII-STI2D program implementation for Polytech'Nice Sophia, requiring adverstising high-school pupils for engineering studies, in particular in ICT.

  • Rencontres Inria Industrie:

    The 11th of June 2013, we took advantage of the Inria-Industry national meeting to expose our works on the American basket option pricing. Our strategy relies on a two-level CPU/GPU parallelization of the Picazo algorithm, combining dynamic strategies to fully exploit distributed resources. During the event, we presented the difficulty to price such instruments in reasonable time, and highlight our solution through multiple tests on Grid’5000, of our pricing engine.

    A Video is available here: http://www.inria.fr/centre/saclay/innovation/rii-modelisation-simulation-calcul-intensif/demos/pricing-d-options-sur-panier-de-type-americain-en-utilisant-des-clusters-equipes-de-gpus

  • This year, Fabrice Huet gave a seminar to high school students about the inner working of computers. He also leads the ISN Informatiques et Sciences du Numérique courses for the academia of Nice. These courses were given to high school teachers who volunteered to offer a Computer Science option to their students.